Implementation of network marketing functions need one or more network marketing tools network marketing methods commonly used in addition to search engines than there are registered: online advertising, link exchange, information dissemination, mailing lists, licensing Email marketing, personalized marketing, Affiliate marketing, viral marketing and so on. Briefly described below ten commonly used method of online marketing and general effect.
(1) search engine registration and ranking. This is the most classic and most common Internet marketing methods, and now, although the search engine results is not as effective as a few years ago, the survey showed that people find the search engines are still the basic method of the new site. Therefore, in the major search engines up and get the best rankings, web site design process is one of the issues to be considered the site as soon as possible after the official release to the major search engines, is the basic task of network marketing.
(2) exchange links. Called reciprocal links or link exchange is the complementary strengths of the site has a simple form of cooperation between, respectively, to place on your site or other sites of the LOGO website name and set up hyperlinks to other sites, so users can partner sites found your site, to promote each other's projects. The main function of exchange links in several ways: to gain access to content, increase user browsing the impression that an increase in the dominant search engine rankings, increase recommended by partner sites such as the visitor's credibility. More important is yes, the significance of exchange links beyond the possibility of increasing traffic, more important than the direct effect is the industry's awareness and recognition.
(3) viral marketing. Viral marketing is not really the way to spread the virus for marketing, but word of mouth through the user's network, information transmission and spread like a virus, using fast way to copy transmitted to the thousands, tens of millions of audience. A classic example of viral marketing is now nearly all of the free Hotmail e-mail providers have taken a similar promotion methods.
(4) online advertising. Almost all online marketing activities are concerned with the brand image, brand promotion in all network-related marketing, the most direct role in online advertising. Standard signs advertising (BANNER) was the mainstream online advertising (though not the only form), enter the following 2001, the network launched a vigorous advertising campaign innovation, emerging new forms of advertising, new advertising as overcome the standard banner banner bearing the limited amount of information, interaction and poor weaknesses, has received a relatively high number of hits. Studies have shown that online advertising click-through rates and do not represent the effect of online advertising for those who do not click on ads browsing, accounting for 99% of the total number of visitors also have an effect over visitors.
(5) information dissemination. Information dissemination is not only the basic functions of network marketing, but also a practical means of operation, through the Internet, not only can browse to the large number of commercial information, but can also publish their own information. The most important is the timely release of valuable information on its Web site to give full play to the site features, such as new product information, offers, information.
(6) Email marketing permission. Email marketing permission based on user than traditional promotional methods or unauthorized Email marketing has obvious advantages, such as advertising can reduce the nuisance to users, increase the positioning accuracy of potential customers, enhance relationships with customers, improve brand loyalty degree. Email marketing carried out on the premise that potential users have Email addresses, which can be a business from the users, potential users of the data collected in themselves, but also potential users can use third-party resources.
(7) mailing list. Email mailing list is actually also a form of marketing, mailing list is also based on the principle of user permission, user voluntarily join, free exit is slightly different, Email marketing, promotional information sent directly to users, and mailing list for users by providing value of the information, adding an appropriate amount in the message content of promotions in order to achieve marketing objectives.
The main value of the list in four aspects: as a company product or service promotional tool, convenient and user communication, sponsorship, or selling advertising space, charging information services. Mailing list form of many common e-mail with news, electronic publications, new product notifications, offers, information, important event reminder services.
(8) personalized marketing. The main contents of personalized marketing include: customized information content of interest, choose your favorite web design form, the information according to their need to set the receiving mode and accept the time and so on. Personalized service to improve customer relationships, cultivate customer loyalty and increase online sales with significant results, according to research, to get some personal service, personal information can be protected in the case, the user was willing to provide limited personal information , which is a prerequisite to carry out personalized marketing guarantee.
(9) network affiliate. Network Affiliate marketing has proven to be an effective marketing tool e-commerce sites, many foreign-based online retail sites to implement a membership program, covering almost all industries, the domestic affiliate is still in its infancy, but already see the e-commerce enterprises have shown strong interest and momentum, once the banner is the era of e-commerce company Everest ( launched in early March 2001 the "My8848 online stores (U-Shop)" Marketing is a membership form. Now, the Xidan shopping online e-commerce company also used this kind of marketing ideas, but in the form of expression is somewhat different.
(10) online store. Based on third-party e-commerce platforms, online stores operating by the merchants themselves, as in major shopping malls in the hiring business in the store to open, is a relatively simple form of e-commerce. Online store selling products directly through the network in addition to the basic functions, is an effective network marketing tool. From their overall marketing strategy and customer point of view, the role of online stores mainly in two aspects: on the one hand, online shop for business expansion of online sales channels provide convenient conditions; the other hand, e-commerce platform built on the well-known The online store to increase the customer's trust, from a functional point of view, e-commerce functionality do not have the corporate Web site is also an effective supplement, to enhance the corporate image and increase sales directly with good results, especially the corporate Web site and online shops combined effect more visible.