Relocation of light decay very wide range of pull. 1, of course, a lot of factors LED itself, using the raw materials are good enough, technology is home. One is the heat, we all know that heat is not good on the LED light failure have a direct impact. In fact the use of LED light line only twenty-five to thirty percent or so, there are seventy percent mesons and support through the air reflected back cup bowl, heat, and heat LED only leads to the stent, Heat through the stent is not enough, there is zero market decline of the LED lights light beads, I do not know whether to use the optical glue, but the cost, is developed by Nichia, with the LED out of the glue seal Through the hole in the heat of molecular glue, but the water molecules get into. This solved the LED through the stent to heat. Relative to a long life, light failure is better. LED fluorescent tubes currently do LED lights, the market price is 0. 35-0. 45 between, but with this we are priced out of the optical glue package is 0.65/PCS, does not have the strength of the lighting manufacturers, is not used .
2, in addition to LED lamp beads to their problems, but also one of this area is off the power supply and health, we are saying is used in household 220V, who can guarantee that he will not suddenly pressurized, if the power supply did not handle well, This voltage is not LED lights will be added to the beads on, and we now use LED lights are generally 3.0-3.2/3.2-3.4V beads between the voltage, beyond this range can easily cause the LED heat rise, LED did not loose a good deal means it will also indirectly affect the lumen.