中振金属制品厂,由中振集团全资注册为子公司.专业生产金属及皮具礼品我们期待同广大新老客户一起诚信互利,互惠互让,共创双赢的合作未来! 工厂自成立之初就以:以人为本,以质量求生存";的经营理念谋发展,用我为工厂做贡献,工厂为我谋发展的信念团结广大员工培养成了"认真务实,精益求精的工作作风.是通过严格的技能培圳后上岗,他们都是我们很好地完成每一个订单的坚实的基础.销售人员,熟悉各个生产线上的工艺流程,明白各种产品的生产特点,完全有能力力客户建功议出适当的工艺作法,能够了为客户的项目竞标提供专业的建议和解决相关技术难题,大部分人员还具备专业设计能力,能根据客户的意思结合工艺特点为客户设计出价廉物美的产品,极大地提高了工作效率和方便了客户.
Zhongzhen Metal Appliance Factory is the professional factory for craftwork sample or drawing tailor making such as metal gift series, advertising series, largess, souvenir, business gifts and so on. Its main craft includes: hardware punching, chemistry eroding, alloy die-casting, centrifugal plastic injection, minim injection, Keshi printing and so on. Its main products category includes: key ring, suspending tag, flask opener, ashtray, tie clip, purse, bookmarker, envelop opening knife, all kinds of brands and medals, photo frame, business suit and so on. We hope we can innovate by our technique & scale advantage and show our factory’s spirit and value tendency to gain the best self image publicizing effect
Zhongzhen, perfect products producer, exploit fields to create business opportunity!