According to the forecast of domestic market demand,Chinese lighting industry will continuous growth.As the new economic growth point, ministry of information industry will create a good policy environment for LED industry,encouraging technology innovation and expanding the scale of industry,strengthening application development,promote industry development by this three aspects.In fact the dstance between our semiconductor emitting components with foreign is not far.Our self-developed first light emitting diode (LED only a few months later than the world's first leds,at present our technical level of semiconductor emitting diode is not much worse than developmet countries,China has initially formed a complete industrial chain from production chip,denotation slice the device packaging,there are more than 400 companies engaged in semiconductor emitting diode devices and lighting system, product packaging has gained considerable share in the international market.Semiconductor lighting industry, especially in the chip packages downstream industry chain and lighting system industry,both a technology-intensive industries and a labor-intensive industries, the difficulty and risk are much lower than the microelectronics industry. Develop semiconductor lighting industry,can give full play for our advantages in human resources, driving the relevant industries, solve the problem of the industrialization of the special lighting area and increased export, attracting employment.Therefore,the development of semiconductor lighting industry can play the advantage of Chinese low cost.
Our achievements in the LED industry, meanwhile, must be realized clearly that there is a big technological leapfrogging of the power used semiconductor lighting compared with ordinary brightness and high brightness,at present high brightness LED still to be exploited,for technology of semiconductor lighting, whether material,equipment,chip or encapsulation technology, application technology are all did not make breakthrough on real significance. Industry has not been formed scale,in the international market share still low, the major products are cheap and high-grade is very little.The ability of develop new products still need to be strengthened,development with independent intellectual property rights of the LED products has become a top priority.
Judging from the domestic market,gradually improvement of the living standards,people also have higher requirement for living environment,then they require the lighting products should have high quality.China is the largest lighting manufacturing countries all over the world,with great lighting industry and lighting market.