Several customers are concerned at the possible impact of the CE mark requirements under the RoHS recast.
ERA Technology, the consultants of choice for Element14, have been reviewing the potential burden on industry:
Products that are in scope now will need to comply with the new CE requirements 18 months after publication
in the Official Journal (expected June).
Is this going to be a problem? Opinions seem to vary. There are three new obligations:
1. CE mark - not an issue as most products are already marked to show compliance with EMC, etc.
2. DoC - these will need to include the new directive, simple to do, manufacturers will need to amend all DoCs for EEE they sell in the EU.
3. Technical files - this will require some work for manufacturers but according to the CE committee that is writing the harmonised EU
standard for RoHS compliance, the activities required will be essentially what manufacturers should be doing now, so in fact little if any extra work.
There will be some extra work for distributors that comes out of Articles 9 and 10.
If you have any specific questions relating to your business then please drop us a line via "Ask the Expert" and we would be happy